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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est how to setup an editor. Afficher tous les articles

jeudi 15 septembre 2016

HTML, coding environment.. how to choose an html editor ? [first step!]

 If you want  to develop a website of course  you will need  a    developping environnement.(this one) 
i highly  recommand "Sublime Text  Editor" this  one  is not free  but  i'll explain later how  to get  it "free of course" it contains syntax hilighting , what  i love more  about  it the  right side mirror, as  a programmer , somtimes i deal with a lot  of  malicious code hidden down the  code , the little "Mirror" shows me  everything in the page in a small  preview .
the gorgeous colors that are well chosen suits  eachothers to give the code you will write  a good  preview  to work in comfort .

First :

  • Go to
  • Click on your operating system in the website 
  • a small icon will previw left the bottom 
Then install it , basically just click on the icon   like the one shown , and keep cliking next eventually click finifh installing , an icon will appear in Desktop like  this  : 

  • And that's it  , it's downloaded !

Published: By: ERRAZKI - 06:53