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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est write your first code in html. Afficher tous les articles

jeudi 15 septembre 2016

Your First code in Html..[start!]

So why Learn Html ? it's  Easy ... Html  is a most required language , Every Website is made of Html as a first language  it gives the website  it's  skeleton and shape , it is  also required to combine it with "Css" to make it more beautiful , Css is a language , we can say as a website's  "makeup" To well present it and make  it more attractive...

Open sublime Text editor and  type in : 

 The white page  is considered as an output  of the code , we will get to that later...

<!DOCTYPE html> is a code to notify that it's an html page 
<strong>  </strong>  everything inside those  is  considered like  this : this is a strong text
So that means it's more clear than normal Text ..

                          Skeleton of a webpage :

The Basic  Skeleton of the Html language is a required thing if something missing here  then probably your html code is wrong and it's recommended to check it again...
let's see now :  

-That is a very basic html skeleton where  you have head, title and finally Body ...

in the Body   set the code  : 
<strong> type something </strong>    copy all the code down the picture and save the file with an html extension  just name your file .html 
to test it  just double click it ,  a browser page will appear with what you typed inside ..

click to enlarge

Published: By: ERRAZKI - 06:52